The Nunnery

Nunnery “Shroud of Holy Mother” (one of the 100 national tourist sites) began its story around 1772 as a small girl monastic dormitory. It was founded by Baba (Grandmother) Fota, which gives away her property to the Rila Monastery, and in her own house combines sparse girls community. The monastery foundation is associated with Baba Fota but legends report that is related to saving the city by the Virgin Mary, which spread her mantle over the city and thus saved it from ruin. That is why Virgin Mary became patroness of the Monastery. In the middle of the XIX century more than a hundred nuns and devout women lived there by the rules modeled after the statute Rila Typikon. Since its creation, the female convent became a center of spirituality and enlightenment. During the years 1837-1839, among other expansions an imposing three-nave church was erected. The convent was surrounded by a tall stone fence. A kitchen was built in addition to the church. Gradually whole complex with residential and commercial wings was formed. The church was made of stone, three naves, separated by two rows of columns connected with arches. Nunnery “Shroud of Holy Mother” is the only authentic complex of buildings and gardens in Samokov preserved today. History has been kind in its two hundred years of existence. Today, it continues to be an active monastery, led by Abbess Pelagia. One of the monastery tracts offers shelter to visitors. Nuns maintain kitchen for the poor, and thus continue the tradition of charity. Their hospitality attracts many pilgrims and visitors.

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