Historical Museum

Historical Museum (one of the 100 national tourist sites) in Samokov was established in 1930. Cultural and historical heritage of the town of Samokov was collected and preserved there. The museum collection numbers about 30,000 exhibits divided in exhibitions: Ethnographic, Archaeological, Art, Photography, Documentary. Exhibits from Samokov Art School: icons, prints, drawings, and personal belongings of famous painters from Samokov – Zachary Zograf, Nikola Obrazopisov, Hristo Yovevich, Ivan Ikonopisets and others, stand out. Also works by artisans from Samokov Renaissance – jewelry, pottery, wood carving, wrought iron, national costumes and fabrics from around the region are exhibited. Exhibits from the first Bulgarian printing house of Nikola Karastoyanov can also be seen in the museum.

About Samokov
Samokov Sports Hall